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Andrew - Rich Hill

3. Rich Hill

JamesArthurArmstrong JamesArthurArmstrong Directors: Andrew Droz Palermo and Tracy Droz Tragos

Synopsis: Rich Hill intimately chronicles the turbulent lives of three boys living in an impoverished Midwestern town and the fragile family bonds that sustain them.

Rich Hill delivers a powerful and heart-wrenching glimpse into the lives of three young menʼs lives that have been shaped by poverty. But as they soon prove to us, the audience, poverty does not define them, they define themselves. All three young men complement each other very well while maintaining their own individual personalities, stories, and history. These young men capture our hearts by sharing their stories and revealing themselves to the camera. — Chris Hingley

Posted in Rich Hill,

JamesArthurArmstrong JamesArthurArmstrong

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