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Alfonso Cuarón for Gravity

Alfonso Cuaron assisting Warner Bros. and Andy Serkis' for 'Jungle Book Origins'

HaydnSpurrell HaydnSpurrell Warner Bros.' work might have just gotten a lot harder now that Disney's latest take on the Jungle Book story has been such a huge hit. Still, Andy Serkis' rendition of the story is going ahead, and its added a talented voice to the team.

Alfonso Cuaron is reportedly assisting Serkis on the film, though Deadline does insist in their initial report that Cuaron's involvement does not extend beyond professional courtesy.

The filmmaker behind Gravity will not receive any official credit on the final film, and it's certainly still Andy Serkis' project. As a proven visual talent, Cuaron would certainly have much to offer in that department, which will be necessary when the film is compared with the stunning look of Jon Favreau's Jungle Book.

Jungle Book: Origins is slated for October 19. 2018, and its been made a point of that there is no hurry for the film. Given Disney has gotten there first, the most important thing Warner Bros. can do is make sure they knock this one out of the park.

Source: Cinemablend

Posted in Mowgli: Legend of the Jungle,

HaydnSpurrell HaydnSpurrell

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