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Ben rights the Wrong

ChrisChavez ChrisChavez With DC confirming that Ben will indeed have his own solo movie, we know that he will have writing and directing duty's as well as suiting up again. Ben was recently interviews about this new instalment in the Bat franchise and stated that this story will be original in marital. "I think what I would do, what I probably would do, is in some ways what Zack did with this movie, which is to borrow certain things from the great comic books, but create an original story around it because I wouldn't want the fans to already know the story and be familiar, but I would borrow, steal, great things that have been done before in the comics." I for one am looking forward to this movie more so than the Justice League. Ben was the saving grace of BVS. With Ben and Geoff Johns writing and directing together, they will create a story that will be true to the character. Zac Snyder's visual perfection was something that made BVS epic in a visual stand point. But what that movie lacked in story telling will be made up in this Solo adventure. Ben is the Batman that we need and deserve.

Posted in Batman,

ChrisChavez ChrisChavez

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