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New 'Assassin's Creed' poster

Curse Broken?

ChrisChavez ChrisChavez The video game to movie adaptations have not always hit it mark. With Super Mairo, Prince of Persia, Tomb raider, Resident Evil and now Assassins Creed added to this list, we all wonder if this movie would break the video game movie curse. Mortal Kombat was the only movie thus far to have stayed close to the original concept. having only played the first three games in the Assassins Creed series, I have some what limited knowledge on this game. I understand that this might sway my reasoning behind this review but it's what I have to go off of. Going into this movie I had low and high expectations. I feel that the casting was spot on. Michael Fassbender always delivers a strong performance in no matter what he is cast in. Marion Cotillard was a surprise to me. Her not so impressive death scene in the Dark Knight Rises, has haunted her. But her performance was believable in that she did want to heal the world from anger. I did want to see more regarding the past events but understand why the balance had to be made going from the past and back to the present. There were some aspects of the game that the movie left out but to adapt something to the big screen, you have to take some creative liberties at some point. I do feel like this was the best video game movie adaptation. With a sequel already in the works, it does set the tone for other video game movies. Next up on the video game movie list is Tomb Raider. Time will tell if it too will fall under the curse or follow the path of Assassins Creed.

Michael Fassbender
Michael Fassbender

Posted in Assassin's Creed,

ChrisChavez ChrisChavez

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