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Director Chris McKay on 'Nightwing' and Why he Stands Out

HaydnSpurrell HaydnSpurrell The news of a Nightwing film in development at Warner Bros. is one of the more surprising projects to come out of the mess that is the DCEU. With Lego Batman helmer Chris McKay in the director's chair, he's spoken about what makes the character differ from Bruce Wayne himself.

“Bruce Wayne in my mind came from privilege and I think that’s why he’s more dour and angry. He’s self-made as far as his becoming all of these cool things we like him for… Dick Grayson didn’t come from that. Dick Grayson came from a circus family. Essentially people who aren’t rich and they are self-made.

"They’re entertainers. They’re gymnasts. They’re people who live hand-to-mouth and that’s something that informs him and his attitude… he’s a fascinating guy to me, because he had all the same things happen to him.

"He’s got some of the same negatives as Bruce Wayne and then from a society standpoint – obviously he was adopted into Bruce Wayne’s life… but he didn’t start that way. He’s this guy who has all these negatives and then even more negatives and yet he remains… Those are things why I like Dick Grayson, why I like the idea of Nightwing as a movie.”

Apart from the Catwoman film that everybody likes to pretend doesn't exist, a Batman sidekick or Gotham hero apart from the dark knight himself has never been given a solo film before this. Hopefully, it kick starts a universe within a universe of sorts, because Gotham City is ripe with cinematic potential.


Posted in Nightwing,

HaydnSpurrell HaydnSpurrell

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