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Francis Ford Coppola Developing Video Game Based on 'Apocalypse Now'

HaydnSpurrell HaydnSpurrell Francis Ford Coppola has set his sights on a horror role-playing video game for his classic 1979 film Apocalypse Now. It is being led by the director's American Zoetrope Banner, which has launched a kickstarter campaign to gather support from gamers and fans of the film.

The game is expected to launch in 2020, while early access will arrive in 2019 corresponding with the film's 40th anniversary. The company is aiming for $900,000 traised to develop the game, and a February 24 deadline has been put down for it.

“Forty years ago, I set out to make a personal art picture that could hopefully influence generations of viewers for years to come,” Coppola said in a statement. “Today, I’m joined by new daredevils, a team who want to make an interactive version of ‘Apocalypse Now,’ where you are Captain Benjamin Willard amidst the harsh backdrop of the Vietnam War.”

The game will have players take on the role of Captain Willard, who is on a secret mission to assassinate renegade Colonel Kurtz. “We will create a game that challenges what an interactive experience can be, just as the original motion picture challenged the concept of cinema,” said Montgomery Markland, who is the “Apocalypse Now” game director. “We will deliver a greater variety of experience and interaction than is currently available within the the relatively static industry.”

Source: Variety

Posted in Apocalypse Now,

HaydnSpurrell HaydnSpurrell

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