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From the night to the Executive

ChrisChavez ChrisChavez We all admit that Ben was the best aspect of Dawn of Justice. It makes complete sense that he is not only directing the next solo Batman movie but is executive producer on Justice League. Ben is an Oscar winning director and understands how to tell a story. With Batman V Superman opening weekend numbers of $166.1 million, becoming the seventh highest grossing movie. It was doubtful that the movie will reach the coveted $1 billion worldwide mark. DC realized that they needed to find a way to take the next step in this franchise to the next locial level. So Warner Bros. announces that Ben will be the next director on the stand alone Batman movie. Ben did not give much details as to why he decided to become an executive, but than again Justice League is currently in production and we will be reated to some teaser here at some point.

Posted in Batman,

ChrisChavez ChrisChavez

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