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Gendry, Game of Thrones

'Game of Thrones' Showrunners Answer a Major Question; Where is Gendry?

HaydnSpurrell HaydnSpurrell Gendry is the butt of many jokes within the Game of Thrones fandom, the character sent to sea on rowboat at the end of the third season of the show, headed to Kings Landing, and never heard of since.

The character is Robert Baratheon's bastard son, and perhaps the show decided it was too bulky for another wannabe contender for the throne. Showrunners Dan Weiss and David Benioff have addressed the question in frustrating fashion.

"He's still rowing," Weiss says, followed by a string of remarks by the duo that follows the same line. Basically, they don't want to answer the question. Which begs another question: is this a flaw in the series? Or does the duo truly have a plan for Gendry? Season 6 showed that there's a willingness to return old, long lost characters back into the fray, so there's every chance we'll be seeing Gendry next season.

Hopefully someone asks him what took him so long, because I'd love to hear his answer.

Source: Comicbook

Posted in Game of Thrones,

HaydnSpurrell HaydnSpurrell

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