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Gillian Anderson goes blonde with a teaser image of her char

Gillian Anderson Reveals a Teaser Image of her New Look as "Media" in 'American Gods'

HaydnSpurrell HaydnSpurrell Gillian Anderson has made a major change to her appearance, releasing a teaser image unveiling a new look (despite the blur) for her role in Starz's Neil Gaiman adaptation American Gods.

Anderson tweeted the photo with the caption "We'll be telling this story" before hashtagging it with her character's name, "Media."

The character is described as such: "Anderson plays Media, the mouthpiece for the New Gods, functioning as their public face and sales representative, by taking the form of various iconic celebrities," per the official character description from Starz and FremantleMedia. "She lives off the attention and worship that people give to screens-to their laptops, their TVs, to their iPhones in their hands while they watch their TVs. Ever the perky spokesperson, and always in control, she spins stories in whatever direction best suits her."

Anderson joins Ricky Whittle, Ian McShane, Emily Browning, along with many others in a solid ensemble. The series premieres next year.

Source: Comicbook

Posted in American Gods,

HaydnSpurrell HaydnSpurrell

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