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Is there a new Batman movie coming in 2019?

JamesArthurArmstrong JamesArthurArmstrong Last week a rumour broke that Warner Bros.' upcoming DC Comics slate will see the release of not only Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice and Justice League, but also Shazam!, Sandman, Wonder Woman, and a Flash/Green Lantern team up movie all scheduled to happen between 2016 and 2018.

You can now add one more title to that list as Latino-Review reports that Warner Bros is eyeing 2019 for a solo Batman film starring Ben Affleck, of which the working title is said to be The Batman.

This release window makes sense for the project given that Affleck will write, direct, and star in his next directorial effort Live By Night in the summer of 2015. That film will debut on the 7th October 2016 and frees up a lot of time for the studio to develop the script and get production going. There is also the possibility that Affleck could direct the project, but don't expect any reveals or confirmation for some time.

The general feeling about this news is mixed. Is there a genuine need to give us another Batman movie or a series of Batman movies? Christopher Nolan delivered a fine trilogy of films that will be hard for anyone to equal. This news is yet another confirmation that studios today make decisions based on financial upturns rather than what the audience want.

Posted in Batman,

JamesArthurArmstrong JamesArthurArmstrong

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