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J.K. Rowling Says She's Done with the Harry Potter Character Following 'The Cursed Child'

HaydnSpurrell HaydnSpurrell With Harry Potter and the Cursed Child reaching shelves, and the stage, over the weekend, author of the Harry Potter saga J.K. Rowling has been adamant that she is done with the character that started it all.

“He goes on a very big journey during these two plays and then, yeah, I think we’re done,” she said. “This is the next generation, you know. So I’m thrilled to see it realized so beautifully but, no, Harry is done now.”

The Cursed Child picks up 19 years after Voldemort is defeated, recreating that epilogue from the seventh novel and taking off from there. It follows Harry's youngest son and Draco Malfoy's own boy as they develop a deep bond of friendship in their attempts to...

I'll stop there. The book, which is actually a script, is available now.

Source: Variety

Posted in Harry Potter and the Cursed Child,

HaydnSpurrell HaydnSpurrell

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