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Joss Whedon Wants to Direct a Star Wars Film

HaydnSpurrell HaydnSpurrell Joss Whedon has taken his time off, and now he wants to jump straight back into the deep end. Speaking with Complex, he spoke about another major franchise that he wants to jump aboard, despite his unfavourable exit from Disney's other money machine.

“Do I want to make a Star Wars movie? Yeah. I was like, ‘I don't want to make a Star Wars movie. Like, god dammit, why?’ But I saw the trailer for Rogue awhile ago and I was like, ‘I want to do that.” he said.

He continued to say he'd love to "make a Star Wars movie and not be wed to the bigger picture." On that note, it seems he's all for directing a spin-off film like Rogue One rather than one of the streamlined films in the saga.

Source: Comicbook

Posted in Star Wars: The Last Jedi,

HaydnSpurrell HaydnSpurrell

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