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Moon Knight

'Moon Knight' Is The Latest Character to be Revealed in Marvel's Future Plans

ZachPerilstein ZachPerilstein Disney Reporter Nova is not the only Marvel property with plans for the future.

Moon Knight originally was going to be a part of the Netflix line up of heroes but it seems now it could be coming to the Marvel Cinematic Universe in the future. Marvel has turned obscure characters into household names. This could be the plan with Moon Knight. The mercenary turned millionaire hero. Phase 4 may reap the benefits of an abundance of new characters at their disposal (X-Men and Fantastic Four) but Marvel is still looking into the characters they already own for potential projects. Ever since the subtle name drop of "A man in Cairo, Egypt" in Captain America: The Winter Solider, fans have been awaiting the arrival of Moon Knight. Marvel Studios may have been planning for Marc Spector for a long time.

Fans have been waiting for news on Moon Knight for a long time. The Netflix rumors have been on and off over the years. Although it seems that the Netflix side of Marvel is dwindling in comparison of the prosperous films in the MCU. Kevin Feige revealed some details about the Moon Knight possibility to Screen Rant:

Yes. Does that mean five years from now, 10 years from now, 15 years from now? There are stacks of character cards that we have, in our development offices, which we look at. Which we pull for him, which we discussed.

So realistically we could write stories filling in the blanks on what Marvel Studios is currently developing. Due to their long term planning they are constantly looking at new stories to tell. Reason why over this week so many sites have reported on the developments of Nova, a possible Namor homecoming, Eternals film, and now Moon Knight.

Fans have been longing for Moon Knight to make it to the big screen. Although it may be a few years away. Marvel is surely getting prepared to give fans the appearance or film the character deserves.

Born in Chicago, Illinois Marc Spector is a Jewish-American rabbi's son. Later on in life Spector becomes a boxer before becoming a U.S Marine. Spector is then hired to be a mercenary. After a scuffle in an Egyptian temple, Spector ends up getting into a deadly fight. He is left to die in sub-zero temperatures. Until the moon god Khonsu grants him a second chance at life as long as he becomes the god's avatar on Earth. When he returns to the United States he invests his fortune and creates the facade of millionaire entrepreneur Steven Grant. Spector decides to be a crimefighter and takes up the name Moon Knight. He has gone on adventures with Daredevil, Spider-Man, and Doctor Strange.

So the plans that Marvel have might not even include a franchise just yet. An appearance in one of the future Spider-Man sequels or Doctor Strange films could work to start.

It is exciting to see Marvel Studios flourishing. They continue to create passionate and well thought out projects. Moon Knight will be a fascinating character for the MCU. The character is so deep and wide in scope. It is thrilling to hear that there is definitely plans for Moon Knight down the line.

Posted in Moon Knight,

ZachPerilstein ZachPerilstein Disney Reporter

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