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Friday the 13th almost came to CW

Paramount Shelves its Reboot of 'Friday the 13th'

HaydnSpurrell HaydnSpurrell Paramount has turned its back on a reboot of the Friday the 13th franchise, after several years of development at the studio. Announced on Monday, it was confirmed that the film had been pulled from its October 13 release date, now housed by Jennifer Lawrence's Mother!.

A number of sources told Variety a number of things, from its bloated $21 million budget to the poor opening weekend for Rings, as well as the rights soon to be returning to New Line. Paramount has given no word as to why it has opted to cancel the revival.

Production was intended for early spring, and Breck Eisner was set to direct for that October release (which wouldn't have allowed a lot of time). Michael Bay's Platinum Dunes was producing, while Prisoners writer Aaron Guzikowski had written a script.


Posted in Friday the 13th,

HaydnSpurrell HaydnSpurrell

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