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Ryan Reynolds as Green Lantern

Ryan Reynolds Comments on Where 'Green Lantern' Went Wrong

HaydnSpurrell HaydnSpurrell Green Lantern crashed and burned back in 2011, a return to reality for fans of the character who'd experienced the resurgence via Geoff Johns' groundbreaking run at DC Comics. Ryan Reynolds starred in the adaptation, which made its money back but isn't considered to be any good.

Reynolds, who has made his mark as Deadpool, first tried his hand at Hal Jordan, said that "Deadpool always knew what it was," in an interview with EW. “With Green Lantern, I don’t think anyone ever figured out exactly what it was. That isn’t to say the hundreds of men and women didn’t work their fingers to the bone to make it as good as possible. It also fell victim to the process in Hollywood which is like poster first, release date second, script last.

"At the time, it was a huge opportunity for me so I was excited to try and take part in it. I did however write a letter to Fox right before I had to decide whether or not I was gonna do Green Lantern. I asked one last time sort of like the groom standing at the altar, ‘Will you please be my wife?’ and they said they couldn’t pull the trigger on Deadpool. For too many reasons too boring to illustrate, it just didn’t work.”

Rumours of Green Lantern appearing in Justice League have begun to surface, and Armie Hammer, who has not been confirmed but is heavily rumoured for a role in the film, may play the character (this all comes as speculation at this stage).

Source: Comicbook

Posted in Green Lantern,

HaydnSpurrell HaydnSpurrell

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