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Season 7 of 'The Walking Dead' Wraps Production

HaydnSpurrell HaydnSpurrell Production has come to a close on The Walking Dead season 7, showrunner Scott Gimple confirmed to

"We are on our last day of production here," Gimple said. "We've got that going on. There's always drifts and drafts that can happen ater that but this is the official last day of production."

After eight episodes, the season will go on hiatus until somewhere around early February, though give the season started a couple of weeks later than in the past, we may be prepared to wait until slightly later for the back-eight episodes.

"7B's vibe is very different from 7A's vibe," Gimple said. The ending of 7B is very different than the beginning of 7A." It's easy for us to consider that the first half will track Negan's dominance, while 7B might just kick off the resistance.

Source: Comicbook

Posted in The Walking Dead,

HaydnSpurrell HaydnSpurrell

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