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George Lucas on the set of Star Wars

Star Wars Fans Petition for George Lucas to Direct Episode IX

HaydnSpurrell HaydnSpurrell Despite Colin Trevorrow being signed on to direct the final film in the new Star Wars trilogy, some fans have nevertheless opened a petition to have creator George Lucas helm episode IX instead.

"We have no problem with Colin Trevorrow, but he's not the right guy to direct Star Wars: Episode IX," the petition reads. "George Lucas as director of Episode IX would be the perfect way to end this new trilogy and make an epic farewell between the father of Star Wars and the whole universe of the galaxy far, far away."

The goal for the petition was initially a measly 500 signatures, it now has 1,189. Still not enough to make a dent anywhere, but it shows that there are still fans of George Lucas out there somewhere.

Head over to Yuri Luiz's page here.

Source: Comicbook

Posted in Star Wars: The Force Awakens,

HaydnSpurrell HaydnSpurrell

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