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Stephen King's 'It' Remake has Begun Production

HaydnSpurrell HaydnSpurrell Warner Bros. has begun production on the latest Hollywood remake, in the form of Stephen King's It.

Director Andres Muschietti has taken to Instagram to pronounce day one of shooting. Muschietti took the helm after Cary Fukunaga dropped out of the project. His credits include his debut in 2013 titled Mama, which he co-wrote and which was executive produced by GUillermo del Toro, who was impressed.

Originally a horror novel by Stephen King, the first adaptation came in the form of a supernatural horror miniseries almost twenty years ago. This rendition is intended as a two-parter, with part one following the exploits of a group of children who come up against the murderous clown Pennywise. Part two will detail the same group, now matured, who come face to face again with the being.

Source: Comicbook

Posted in Stephen King's 'It',

HaydnSpurrell HaydnSpurrell

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