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The Walking Dead - Hilltop Community

The Walking Dead's Scott Gimple Teases Communities Outside of Alexandria

HaydnSpurrell HaydnSpurrell The Walking Dead is set to introduce the surrounding communities that will reveal to Rick and the rest of the group that they are far from alone, instead existing as part of a kind of settlement (or one in development).

While the easy route would be to introduce these communities with similar functions to Alexandria, executive producer Scott Gimple has revealed that's not the case. Speaking with EW, he teased the introduction of the Hilltop Community, set to be introduced in the back half of Season Six.

"The Hilltop has had a completely different path than Alexandria or Rick's group. It's just a whole different experience of the Apocalypse and that has resulted in a very, very different place than Alexandria."

That place is set to introduce some fan-favourite characters. That being said, considering the naivety and ignorance of the Alexandrians, it isn't a stretch to presume that these other communities will be more weary, or more defensive, than the band that Rick and co. stumbled across.

Source: Comicbook

Posted in The Walking Dead,

HaydnSpurrell HaydnSpurrell

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