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The Muppets
Are you one of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles? Yes, I am. The Muppets

Are you one of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles? Yes, I am. The Muppets

Kermit: Would you look at that. We are The Muppets. And these are our biggest fans.

You excited for our big trip to LA?

There's somebody coming.

Excuse me. Good grief.

Disney presents the biggest event in Hollywood history.

You guys are so talented.

Check it out: fart shoes!

The Muppets spectacular! That's awesome!

There's just one problem.

I'm gonna shoot straight. You guys aren't famous anymore.

Yeesh! I wish shot a little more curvy.

Let's just start at the bottom and work our way back up to the top.

Miss Piggy: Can't you see I'm busy?

Are you one of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles? Kermit the Frog: Yes, I am.

burnsting burnsting




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