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Transformers: Dark of the Moon
At the Transformers 3 Premiere in New York, Times Square

At the Transformers 3 Premiere in New York, Times Square

Transformers: Dark of the Moon. Red Carpet Premiere Event. Live from Times Square, New York City.

Here I am. Am standing with the king of the evening. I'm here on your carpet, hosting your party. Thank you so much for the honor. Michael Bay: Thank you, this is awesome. I've done some premieres in my life. But in Times Square, pretty amazing.

This film has a lot to offer. I've heard there's tons of CGI, as always. But we've also for flying suits. Did you get to witness any of that work? John Turturro: I did, yeah. That was pretty impressive, I have to say. To see that live was pretty impressive.

Patrick Dempsey: I play Dylan Gould, who is a car collector/investment banker. And he has quite a collection and that's all I can say right now. Go see the movie and you'll find out. Don't give anything away. You have to see this movie.

What was one of your favorite moment filming this. Was there a few or what can you tell me. Shia LaBeouf: There are tons. I mean, all the stuff in Chicago was pretty outrages. We spent six weeks blowing the whole city up. And we had crowds like this. Like 20-30,000 people on the street clapping for us. The building slide was nuts. That was like 2,5 weeks of tilting the building.

Rosie Huntington: I particularly love the shot, where the three cars explode and roll behind me. Because, that was the most nerve wracking shot to film and it looks amazing. None if it was real;y shot on green screen, so what you see is what you get.

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