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The Help
Bryce Dallas Howard talks about Hilly Holbrook and Skeeter in The Help

Bryce Dallas Howard talks about Hilly Holbrook and Skeeter in The Help

Put mom in her chair before she breaks her hip.

Bryce Dallas Howard (Hilly Holbrook): Hilly Holbrook is the president of the Junior League in Jackson, Mississippi.

Hey girls!

She is a very backward person and she uses her power in the Junior League to preserve her lifestyle.

Let's give a nice round of applause for the help.

Skeeter wants to interview women who are working as maids Jackson, Mississippi to tell their side of the story. And it's a ver y progressive idea.

Skeeter is taking a stand to move Jackson, Mississippi forward. And that really scares Hilly.

I heard that Betty character might be Hilly Holbrook.

burnsting burnsting




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