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A Dangerous Method
Carl Jung and Sigmund Freud discuss the opposition to their work in A Dangerous Method

Carl Jung and Sigmund Freud discuss the opposition to their work in A Dangerous Method

A clip from A Dangerous Method with Viggo Mortensen and Michael Fassbender.

I don't think you have any notion of the true strengths and depths of the opposition to our work. There's a whole medical establishment of course. [...] But that is nothing compared to what happens when our ideas begin to trickle through in whatever gabled form they relate to the public. The denials, the frenzy, the incoherent rage.

But might that not be caused by your insistence and exclusively sexual interpretation of the clinical material?

All I'm doing is pointing out what experience indicates to me must be the truth. And I can assure you that in hundred years time, our work will sill be rejected. Columbus, you know, had no idea what country he discovered. Like him, I'm in the dark. All I know is that I've set foot on the shore and the country exists.

I think of you more as Galileo. And your opponent is those who condemned him. While refusing to even put their eyes to his telescope.

In any event, I've simply opened a door. It's for the young men like yourself to walk through it.

I'm sure you have many more doors to open for us.

burnsting burnsting




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