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Cars 2
Lightning McQueen's girlfriend is a huge Francesco fan, Cars 2

Lightning McQueen's girlfriend is a huge Francesco fan, Cars 2

Hey, Lightning McQueen. Bonasera! Uhm, nice to meet you Francesco. Yeah, nice to meet you too. You're very good looking. Not as good as I thought, but you're good.

Excuse me. Can I get a picture with you? Ah, anything for McQueen's friend. Miss Sally is gonna flip when she sees this. She's Lightning McQueen's girlfriend. She's a big fan of yours.

Hey, she has a good taste.

Mater is prone to exaggeration. I wouldn't say she's a big fan. You're right, she's a huge fan! She goes on and on about your open wheels here. Well, mentioning it once doesn't qualify as on and on.

Francesco is familiar with this reaction to Francesco. Women respect a car that has nothing to hide.

burnsting burnsting




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