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Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides
Meet the freaky Zombies, Mermaids and Blackbeard in Pirates 4

Meet the freaky Zombies, Mermaids and Blackbeard in Pirates 4

Zombies, Mermaids and Blackbeard in this new Pirates of the Caribbean 4 promo.

Maybe you don't believe in the super natural. No, no, no, I've seen a thing or two.

Blackbeard is the most evil character we've ever given you. He's the one that really achieves that degree of a mythical status. The pirate all pirates fear.

The zombies are Blackbeard's officers. He brings them back to life, through his powers and turns them into zombies.

They're really unique and I can't wait for the audience to see them.

Obviously in a franchise like this you need to throw in some really big guns. And mermaids where a big part of maritime folklore.

burnsting burnsting




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