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Eddie Murphy


If you think you've had a rough start. If you think you've had a tough childhood. If you believe your whole life has been one bad break after another.

You got a girlfriend? No. Well, you do now.

Meet a nice guy. Norbit. With a huge problem.

Don't adjust my seat. Look, that scientifically proves that you was adjusted my seat. That's not science. I'm just saying. What am I going to do?

Just between the two of us. I can't keep Norbit off me.

Eddie Murphy.

Run for your life!

Eddie Murphy.

It's a horror show.

And Eddie Murphy.

Don't you wish your girlfriend was hot like me. Don't you wish your girlfriend was a freak like me.

Excuse me. Are you wearing bottoms? Of course I'm wearing bottoms. Okay.

burnsting burnsting




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