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Horrible Bosses
Oh, just relax there Jodie Foster! Jennifer Aniston in Horrible Bosses

Oh, just relax there Jodie Foster! Jennifer Aniston in Horrible Bosses

Come in! Julia, you needed to see me? O shit! Will you have a seat Dale? Do I have to? Look Dale, I like to fool around at work. So from now on just tell me when I cross the line. Now, cause you're naked. Can you see my MIAUW! Hmm, true! Uuuhm...

Is your boss a sex crazed maneater?

We're gonna kill our bosses. We're not murderers. Can we stop doing this thing here? Because you have a girlfriend? We're engaged now. This little sweetheart right here is gonna get a peek at my little photo album. You did all this while I was unconscious? You're a raper! You raped me! That's a rape! Rape! Oh, just relax there Jodie Foster. I'm in! Let's kill this bitch. Let's see about that. Your gonna get me that dong down. You hear the words you say sometimes. I mean, who talks like that? Let's have sex on top of her. No, no, no.

Jennifer Aniston is very naughty.

Oooh, I can make out our little friend right there. Stop it! Oo! Shabbat Shalom, somebody's circumcised.

burnsting burnsting




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