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To the Wonder
Poetry in To the Wonder

Poetry in To the Wonder

New Terrence Malick film with Olga Kurylenko, Rachel McAdams, Ben Affleck and Javier Bardem.

Neil (Ben Affleck): My sweet love. My hope.

Marina (Olga Kurylenko): You're everything to me.

Speak with me.

Father Quintana (Javier Bardem): Love is not only a feeling. Love is a duty. To commit yourself is to have the risk of failure. The risk of betrayal. But the man who makes a mistake can repent. You fear your love has died. Perhaps it's waiting to be transformed into something higher.

Jane (Rachel McAdams): Here I am. Do you know what you want?

Awaken the love, which sleeps in each man, in each woman. Know each other in that love, that never changes.

I'll love you forever.

burnsting burnsting




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