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Green Lantern
Remember, your enemy is not gonna play fair, Green Lantern

Remember, your enemy is not gonna play fair, Green Lantern

A great light has gone out in the universe. Worlds annihilated. Lanterns, we face an unprecedented danger. An enemy powerful enough to destroy entire civilizations. to fight this enemy, the ring chose a human. But I don't need to tell you your duty.

Your name? Hal Jordan. The ring chose you. Take it! Speak the oath. Speak the oath, because everybody knows the oath.

So, this is the chosen human. The ring turns thought into reality. Its limits, are only what you can imagine. A sword. How human. Remember, your enemy is not gonna play fair.

Is that what I think it is? An alien live form doctor. The first that mankind has ever encountered.

Sir, we're gonna get you well again. I've never felt better in my life!

burnsting burnsting




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