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The Lorax
Ted meets The Once-ler in The Lorax

Ted meets The Once-ler in The Lorax

Clip from The Lorax with Ed Helms as The Once-ler and Zac Efron as Ted.

Why are you so interested in trees anyway?

Why aren't you like other kids? Break dancing and wearing bell-bottoms. And playing the Donkey Kongs.

Yeah, right. Right. Yeah, I don't know. I just thought it was kind of cool to have one, you know.

It's a girl isn't it?

What!? No.

Really. Because when a guy does something stupid once, then it's because he's a guy. But if he does the same stupid thing twice, that's usually to impress some girl.

Hey, she is not some girl! She's a woman in high school. And she loves trees. And I'm gonna get her one.

Oh, how nice to see someone so undeterred by things like reality.

Thank you.

burnsting burnsting




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