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The Lorax
The Lorax tries to reanimate The Once-ler

The Lorax tries to reanimate The Once-ler

Wake up, wake up!

The Once-ler is passed out. The Lorax tries to wake him up.


He tries to reanimate him.

I was heading into the light. And right back, here I am. You saved my life.

Yeah, I know. Well, it's not that bigga deal.

It is a big deal! Look, I almost went over that waterfall. It's... on my bed. How did my bed get in the river?

Uh, about that, uh... Actually, I put your bed in the water.

He drops The Lorax on the floor.

Clip with Ed Helms as The Once-ler and Danny DeVito as The Lorax.

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