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'Warcraft' Director on Being a Fan, Plans for a Trilogy

HaydnSpurrell HaydnSpurrell Collider spoke with director Duncan Jones, who takes his biggest step in filmmaking with the upcoming fantasy epic Warcraft. What works in Jones' favour might be his history with the game. "I have been a fan since 20 years ago, when the game started."

He describes going back to the first game, where the series focused on orcs and humans, to show how the orcs lose their home world and their efforts to find a new one that lead to Azeroth.

Not much of the editing was easy, Jones admits. "I think any of those scenes where our main orc protagonists have a direct interaction with our human characters, but not the fights so much."

"It is a marathon," he said of the three and a half year process. "And it requires a level of endurance and stamina to maintain the focus and the quality control. Also, at the same time, you have to be flexible enough to realize that, over the course of making a film for three and a half years, things are going to slightly change and drift, as you work out solutions to each problem as they come up."

When the trilogy topic came up, Jones described Warcraft as a property with "so much story available to it."

"My trilogy has a pretty clean and useful set-up. The orcs have lost their own world. Durotan has led the Frostwolf clan to a place of safety, but he still doesn’t have a home. By the end of the trilogy, I would hope that we’ve established where the new orc home is."

Warcraft opens June 10.

Source: Collider

Posted in Warcraft,

HaydnSpurrell HaydnSpurrell

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