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Will Smith's Deadshot Rumoured for solo Batman film

Will Smith's Deadshot Rumoured for Batman Solo Film

HaydnSpurrell HaydnSpurrell While no release schedule has been set for a solo Batman film, there have been past rumours suggesting Ben Affleck himself may helm the first big screen Batman flick since The Dark Knight Rises (ignoring of course the upcoming team-up films Dawn of Justice and Justice League).

Latino Review is reporting that there may be another character stealing some of the limelight, as Will Smith's Deadshot is rumoured to have a potentially major role in the film.

Having signed on for multiple appearances, little birds are whispering that Will Smith wants to play an ongoing role in Warner and DC's expanding world. Despite a massive question mark over how things may pan out, this could result in Deadshot appearing alongside or opposite Ben Affleck come... whenever the film is going to arrive.

With no release date planned and no confirmed news regarding it at all, this has to be taken with a grain of salt. Still, with talent like Will Smith signed on in their world, Warner Bros. would be crazy not to take advantage of the opportunity to implement him in larger roles down the line.

And, considering the studio is clearly fast forwarding their plans and going reverse to what Marvel has done, team-up films featuring multiple major players in the DC Universe gives a little bit more weight to the rumour.

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice hits theaters March 25 next year.

Source: LR

Posted in Batman,

HaydnSpurrell HaydnSpurrell

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