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Young Adult

Mavis asks her mom to take down the wedding photo in Young Adult Do you have Marc Jacobs? Young Adult I would find a therapist. Young Adult That new baby of his is just darling. Have you seen it? Up close? Young Adult The wedding wasn't a failure. Remember the tiramisu? Young Adult We went to high school together. Young Adult I think we went to high school together. At the same time? Young Adult People here seem so happy with so little. Young Adult You are a piece of work. You're a piece of shit. Young Adult Those donuts are for honors members only. Young Adult Charlize Theron has no dog in her bag in Young Adult Yeah, your locker was right there. Right next to mine. Young Adult I love your sweater! Young Adult Mavis signs her own book in Young Adult Whatever, bookman! Young Adult I'm pretty sure he's married. Young Adult Let's show him what he's been missing. No, he knows. Young Adult Shots! Take that liver. Young Adult I based a character on you. Young Adult