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50 First Dates

50 first dates

The Story

Henry Roth is a real ladies man and has been breaking the hearts of the female tourists of Hawaii for quite a while. One day he meets Lucy at a local cafe. She seems different than the girls he usually dates and she lives on the island. He decides to ask her out on a date. Everything went perfect and they even spend the night together. But the next morning Henry is in for an unpleasant surprise. Lucy doesn’t remember anything and starts freaking out.

The Cast

50 first barrymore
50 first sandler
50 first schneider

The Trailer

Worth the Popcorn?

While Henry has to win Lucy over every day, since she is suffering from a short-term memory loss, he has to come up with a new idea each day to introduce himself to her. This makes the movie quite different than other romantic comedies and creates some fun moments. I have to admit, after a while this progress starts to become a bit repetitive, but still the movie has a lot of funny parts. It is really nice to see that the end of the movie isn’t an average happy ending. They found a solution, but did not magically change Lucy’s situation.

By burnsting on

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