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Disney CEO Bob Iger

Disney CEO Bob Iger Says Marvel Has No Plans for an R-Rated Film

ZachPerilstein ZachPerilstein Disney Reporter

After the R-rated Deadpool became a massive success for 20th Century Fox, who owns rights to some Marvel characters, the questions have popped up on whether more superhero movies will follow the same concept.

"We don't have any plans to make R-rated Marvel movies," said Bob Iger at the annual Disney stock holder meeting.

Disney will continue PG-13 Marvel movies, which makes sense. Iger received this question obviously in response to the success of Deadpool and Fox announcing that the next Wolverine movie will be rated R.

Disney has only let Marvel characters go untamed on Netflix with shows Jessica Jones and Daredevil.

The Disney CEO's comment comes as a shock for many with Disney-Marvel owning character rights for The Punisher, Blade, and Ghost Rider. Most of these characters will probably appear on one of the Netflix series'.

It's hard to have a complete Marvel Cinematic Universe when it's split in half. I'll leave you with this one question.

Who should the WHOLE Marvel Cinematic Universe belong too? Disney or 20th Century Fox? or maybe a company I did not name?

Tweet me your thoughts@TripleZ_87

Posted in Walt Disney Pictures,

ZachPerilstein ZachPerilstein Disney Reporter

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