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Dougray Scott cast for Fear the Walking Dead season 2

Fear the Walking Dead Casts Dougray Scott for Season 2

HaydnSpurrell HaydnSpurrell Fans of The Walking Dead were given an appetizer with season 1 of the prequel/spin-off Fear the Walking Dead.

It's now gearing up for its second season, which is just around the corner and will arrive not long after its parent series finishes up its sixth season.

Now, it's added another member to its growing cast, living up to its parent and developing an ensemble of its own. The latest member is Dougray Scott (Hemlock Grove).

His character has been described as a "decent man who believes in civility" who is thrust into an "unexpected position of authority."

As with all characters in this universe, he'll also have to learn to develop the habit of practicing "necessary violence," though he does so reluctantly.

Fear the Walking Dead premieres its second episode April 10.

Source: Screenrant

Posted in Fear the Walking Dead,

HaydnSpurrell HaydnSpurrell

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