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Daniel Salazar in Fear the Walking Dead

Fear the Walking Dead to continue flashback formula with an upcoming Daniel backstory

HaydnSpurrell HaydnSpurrell A recent episode of Fear the Walking Dead took us behind the curtain on Strand's life prior to the apocalypse, and filled plenty of gaps regarding the yatch Abigail and what lies in Mexico for the group.

Actor Mercedes Mason has been more prominent than most of the cast, speaking in various brief interviews to give us some insight, and it looks like her on-screen father is set to get his own backstory very soon.

"It's actually my favorite episode that we've shot so far," Mason tells "You really get to delve into what happened to Daniel back during the civil war in El Salvador and his relationship with my mother, Griselda, and of course, Ophelia understanding all of that.

"It's really gonna color the relationship between Ophelia and Daniel. It's such a beautiful episode and I'm totally in awe of it. I can't wait."

"I think it's number seven," Mason says of when we can expect the episode. "That's the midseason break." And of course, with that midseason send-off we can expect a cliffhanger of some sort.

"I don't know if it's even a cliffhanger or it's more of just a jaw drop," the actress explains. "Like, 'Did that seriously just happen?' When we read it, we all called each other, e-mailed each other, however we get a hold of each other and were like, 'Oh, my God! Did you read it? Did you read it?' because we couldn't wrap our heads around it. I can't wait!"

Source: Comicbook

Posted in Fear the Walking Dead,

HaydnSpurrell HaydnSpurrell

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