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Gareth Edwards Talks New Planet Jedah, Using Darth Vader in 'Rogue One'

HaydnSpurrell HaydnSpurrell Rogue One: A Star Wars Story had its panel at Star Wars Celebration, and with a new poster and behind the scenes video (that needs to be seen), a slew of new info has been brought forward.

With the movie taking place prior to A New Hope and revolving around rebels tasked with stealing the Death Star plans, director Gareth Edwards has spoken with reporters abut what we can expect in the film.

The new video heavily features the planet Jedah, which Edwards describes as having a spiritual relevance to the entire thing. "It felt very contemporary to have a situation where the Empire were imposing themselves on what means a lot to the spiritual side of Star Wars for their own reasons, their own goals, and within that area there’s a resistance that’s building and trying to fight back, but our characters end up having to go to Jedah and they basically end up getting pulled into their story a bit.

"If you believe in the Jedi and you believe in the Force, it feels like Jedah is somewhere you should visit in your lifetime."

On how much to use Darth Vader, Edwards said that "the second he shows up you just get sucked into Darth Vader. So it was a process to try and figure out how to pepper that in in a way that felt right."

He went on to discuss how the franchise has to be meaningful and progressive, and can't be a constant stream of fan service in which beloved characters appear on screen.

Source: Collider

Posted in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story,

HaydnSpurrell HaydnSpurrell

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