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James Cameron Talks Inspiring Directors

HaydnSpurrell HaydnSpurrell Director James Cameron has been away from the big screen for a while now, but it seems he's always working. The acclaimed filmmaker has given us some of the greatest films of all time, but even some of Hollywood's finest have inspirations. When asked, Cameron named just a few.

"Directors that continue to inspire me? Ridley Scott. I mean, I’ll go to see any Ridley Scott movie. Even the ones that bomb, to me, are great. Because of the fabric of the filmmaking. You know, just the way he sees, the way he places the camera, so on.

"I’m also inspired by — these are established filmmakers now, but I remember being very inspired by them when they first broke on the scene — like Zack Snyder and Robert Rodriguez, guys that were just creating their own new cinematic language. So I can be inspired by somebody whose name I don’t even know if they do something that’s unique and remarkable and nobody’s seen it before.

"A friend of mine who’s a visual effects guy just directed Deadpool. And I went to see Deadpool, and the opening credits sequence, I was like, damn, nobody ever thought of that! Do a fake credits sequence! And how brilliant is it? It sets the tone for the whole movie. You’re laughing before the film even starts, ’cause “directed by: some tool, some overpaid tool.” It’s like, brilliant!"

Ridley Scott's body of work speaks for itself. The other two have interestingly enough had films like 300, Watchmen, and Sin City under their belts. There's a notable comic book-angle showing through from just those picks alone. I wouldn't suggest considering a comic book adaptation from Cameron down the line, because Avatar is his one and only baby from here on out it seems.


Posted in Avatar: The Way of Water,

HaydnSpurrell HaydnSpurrell

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