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Jared Leto as the Joker

Jared Leto Unhappy with the Number of Cut Joker Scenes, Wants a Team-up Film with Batman

HaydnSpurrell HaydnSpurrell Jared Leto has been vocal in the last few days regarding how he feels about the film regarding his role as the Joker, which as it turns out had a lot more footage filmed than we got to see on the big screen.

“I think that I brought so much to the table in every scene that it was probably more about filtering all of the insanity, because I wanted to give a lot of options, and I think there’s probably enough footage in this film for a Joker movie.

"If I were to die tomorrow, maybe the studio would roll something out." He explains that he had hoped for an R-rating. "I had actually said that when we were starting that if a film was ever going to be rated R it should be the one about the villains."

Leto rightfully explains that his role in the film is much more a supporting one than trailers indicated and that fans may expect. “In this film, it’s more of an introduction to the Joker. As the film stands now, it’s much more of a supporting part than a lot of people may have assumed. It feels like there could be more to come.”

“I think that the most compelling character to team up with would be Batman,” Leto says. “I know he’s not a villain, but it would just be so much fun."

Source: Comicbook

Posted in Suicide Squad,

HaydnSpurrell HaydnSpurrell

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