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The Lion King

Jon Favreau Just Teased Donald Glover for his CGI 'The Lion King' Remake

ZachPerilstein ZachPerilstein Disney Reporter Take this with a grain of salt. Jon Favreau, who is working on the upcoming CGI version of The Lion King, just tweeted a photo of the actor Donald Glover with the hashtag Simba.

As many of you already know Simba is the main character in The Lion King. This would be a subtle reveal but effective. The move makes sense due to the fact Donald Glover is a phenomenal actor and singer.

Donald Glover will be working on Disney territory before The Lion King. As he is set to star in Spider-Man: Homecoming and the Han Solo: Star Wars Story.

Cultjer will follow this story as more information becomes available.

Posted in The Lion King,

ZachPerilstein ZachPerilstein Disney Reporter

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