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Dr. Light vs. The Flash

Kevin Smith to Return for 'The Flash' Season 3 as Director

HaydnSpurrell HaydnSpurrell Kevin Smith directed the season 2 episode of The Flash "The Runaway Dinosaur," and the filmmaker will be back for the new season, set to direct episode seven of the year.

Smith has openly expressed interest in directing episodes of Arrow and Supergirl. Regarding Arrow, he said this:

“I know I’m going back to The Flash, first week of September, to direct episode 7 of season 3. Still haven’t heard anything back from Arrow. You know, I wish, it would be amazing because I would love to write and direct Onomatopoeia in the show. Um, but I know they’re doing – what is it? – Wild Dog this year, as well as Vigilante, so maybe they’re just like ‘we don’t need you’, or whatever. But, at the moment, anyone over there raises a flag; I’m like ‘please, let me in!’ That’d be fun as f—-”

For now, fans of Smith's work - and Smith himself - will have to settle for The Flash.

Source: Collider

Posted in The Flash,

HaydnSpurrell HaydnSpurrell

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