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'Logan' Director James Mangold Teases the Grim Finale to the Wolverine Tale

HaydnSpurrell HaydnSpurrell Director James Mangold has given a few new brief insights into the upcoming superhero finale Logan, which seemingly closes out the tale of Wolverine, at least the one with Hugh Jackman front and center.

“The goal was to make something human,” Mangold said. “We made an effort to scale back on the gloss and greenscreen…If you’re on the make for a hyper choreographed, gravity defying, city-block destroying CG f***athon, this ain’t your movie.”

The film's primary villain will be The Reavers as well as the Weapon X group. Dafne Keen plays X-23, and Patrick Stewart reprises his role as Professor X. The film opens March 3, 2017.

Source: Comingsoon

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HaydnSpurrell HaydnSpurrell

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