9.79* documentary Ben Johnson Carl Lewis

text James Arthur Armstrong

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It’s the men’s 100m sprint final at the 1988 Seoul Olympics. A star studded line-up take their place on the starting blocks. 9.79 seconds later, Ben Johnson is crowned Olympic champion - but that’s only the beginning of the story.

filmOA | festival review

Ben Johnson and Carl Lewis where track and fields biggest names but their rivalry had grown to a personal level by the time the Seoul Olympics came around. Go back four years to the previous Olympics in Los Angeles, Carl Lewis was crowned champion, while Johnson came third achieving bronze. In the years leading up to Soeul, Johnson improved. His improvement was so fast, it was hard for some athletes to comprehend. Carl Lewis was the biggest voice in questioning Johnson’s sudden to climb to the top of sprint world.

All eight runners in the Seoul final are interviewed, giving us a rounded opinion of the emotions and atmosphere of the race. Some of the athletes are very candid about the dirtiest race in history, whilst other's are far more restrained. Johnson is probably the most honest. He’s reformed and judging by the look in his eyes, sick of trying to cover it up.

we now understand that Johnson was by no means the only guilty party to run that day

In 1988, drug testing was in it’s infancy. But as drug testing has become far more sophisticated, we now understand that Johnson was by no means the only guilty party to run that day. The big question this film leaves you with is whether Ben Johnson was the stand-out drug user of the time or merely the fall guy for a widespread epidemic that was slowly tearing the sport apart.

9.79* is more than a sports film, it’s power forces us to understand that athletes will do whatever it takes to become the best in their given discipline; even it it means pulling the wool over our eyes. That doesn’t justify cheating, but it was a sign of the times. And unless we’re in their position, we will never know the pressures they go through. filmOA end logo

9.79* is now available (in full) on YouTube
