5 memorable scenes from sport films

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Raging Bull “You Never Got Me Down Ray”

Jake La Motta in Raging Bull Play

blue circle1 The most brutal scene in Raging Bull is also the most beautiful. The use of slow motion and the harshness of the black and white illustrate Scorsese’s innovation as a director. Every bead of sweat, camera flash and drop of blood is precisely placed in every shot. At the end, a beaten Jake La Motta utters the words - “You never got me down Ray” - and with them words and the look in Robinson’s eyes, we are fully aware La Motta is one tough son of a gun.

Senna “Crash, 1st May 1994”

Senna documentary final moment before crash Play

blue circle2 Although this is not narrative film, this documentary has some very moving moments including this final montage sequence on the crash, death and funeral of the great racer Aryton Senna. This is a highly emotional way to end a poignant documentary on one of the greatest sportsman to have ever lived.

Moneyball “What’s The Problem?”

Brad Pitt in Moneyball baseball smirk face Play

blue circle3 This scene sets up the rest of movie perfectly by laying out the exact problems they face in building a team for the upcoming season. Brad Pitt is quick tongued in pointing out exactly where his team, the Oakland Athletics, stand in the pecking order of Major League Baseball.

Remember The Titans “Who’s Your Daddy?”

Denzel Washington confrontation Remember the Titans Play

blue circle4 Denzel Washington shows us exactly how to stamp your authority on a team by showing them who’s boss. Washington, playing Coach Hermann Boone, quickly defuses a cocky and racist scholar by bringing him crashing back down to earth and making an example of him in front of his mother and teammates.

Field Of Dreams “Doc Saves Karin”

Kevin Costner in Field of Dreams Play

blue circle5 No doubt one of the most iconic scenes in sport movie history. The Doc has to decide whether he should cross the boundary to help Karin, unable to return to the field. After successfully helping Karin, Doc has to return home. Before he leaves, he is given the knowledge that he was good baseball player courtesy of the other players. It’s also in this scene that Ray’s brother in-law Mark eventually see’s the ball players for himself.

text James Arthur Armstrong

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