The Best and Worst Sport Films  2/7

Robert De Niro Raging Bull poster art boxing Everlast


Best Representation: Raging Bull

The greatest boxing film is Raging Bull, with Robert De Niro as the Italian-American middleweight Jake LaMotta. Raging Bull is a piece of art. After the huge success of Taxi Driver, Martin Scorsese was handed the autobiography of Jake LaMotta by Robert DeNiro. Scorsese passed up on the chance of making the biopic, but DeNiro persisted. He pleaded with Scorsese to make the film until he eventually caved in to DeNiro’s passion for the project. Raging Bull isn’t just the best boxing film ever made, it’s the greatest sports film ever made. It’s raw, compelling, emotional, and real. The fight scenes where meticulously choreographed and pieced together. DeNiro spend six months gaining weight, as well as six months learning how to box. Desire and love ooze out of this film.

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