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Michael Bay on the set of Transformers: Age of Extinction

Michael Bay Working with The Rogue Initiative for Virtual Reality Projects

HaydnSpurrell HaydnSpurrell With virtual reality quickly becoming a genuine new thing for the entertainment industry (though at this point only for the most ambitious of filmmakers) and is making its start in gaming, some filmmakers are looking to it as a new way of storytelling.

Transformers director Michael Bay has announced a partnership with The Rogue Initiative on a series of projects intended for virtual reality viewing. The projects will continue on the same path as Bay's action-adventure output ,which is all style and little else.

And while storytelling isn't his fortay in many respects, virtual reality offers an immersive and exploratory experience that seems fitting for the director, who has no small eye for scope and science fiction flavour.

Source: Collider

Posted in Transformers: The Last Knight,

HaydnSpurrell HaydnSpurrell

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