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Michael K Williams

Michael K. Williams Talks Franchise Potential of 'Assassin's Creed'

HaydnSpurrell HaydnSpurrell Michael K. Williams plays Moussa in Assassin's Creed, a character who is a fellow patient of Fassbender's Callum Lynch, who is being held and forced to use the Animus, a device that allows him to live the life of his 15th Century Spanish ancestor Aguilar.

Williams' character also has a direct line to his ancestor, Baptiste, an existing character in the Assassin's Creed universe who is a kind of Voodoo assassin in 18th Century Louisiana.

On Justin Kurzel as director, Williams has nothing but kind words. "It really makes my job so much easier when a director comes in and he knows what he wants, he’s clear with in describing what he wants."

Williams also praises the set, calling it the "coolest office I've ever been asked to come to work in... the designs are beautiful, and it makes you believe where we're at. I believe every inch of this set, nothing is taken for granted and I love that."

On franchise potential, Williams is open to it. "If that were to happen I have no problem with that at all. None. Not just for obvious reasons but to also just have a chance to work with this cast and the director, Justin. It's a great crew of people."

Source: Collider

Posted in Assassin's Creed,

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