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The Ever-Changing Cast of The Walking Dead

Multiple Death Scenes Filmed as 'The Walking Dead' Doubles Down Efforts to Keep its Secret

HaydnSpurrell HaydnSpurrell After season six's monumental, and infuriating for some, cliffhanger, AMC is devoted to keeping the secret right up until season seven premieres.

THR are reporting that sources have reported 11 cast members have filmed death scenes in order to avoid anything slipping through the cracks. According to the report, the decision will be made in the editing room who gets killed by Lucille once the show is done filming.

This last part sounds debatable, given that the death takes place in the opening episode (presumably the opening moments, though who knows?) and those characters that aren't victimised by Negan will have a lot more to do during the season.

Executive producer Scott Gimple has commented on drones, stating that "it can become such a game of cat and mouse that as far as sneaking a peek at the actors walking to set, we want to just keep our actors safe and the people who might be looking safe - like [when they're] in the street."

Source: Comicbook

Posted in The Walking Dead,

HaydnSpurrell HaydnSpurrell

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